Primary Specialty Family Practice
Experience 15+ Years
Education & Training
Medical Education Oregon Health Sciences University - Portland, OR
Residency Marshall University School of Medicine
Practice Areas Family Medicine.
Certifications Board Certified in Family Medicine


Dr. Womeldorf began caring for Family Practice patients in October 2020, and she brings with her more than 15 years of experience as a physician.  Her education includes the earning of her Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree (2002) from the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, OR.  She completed her Family Medicine Residency (2005) from Marshall University School of Medicine where she completed an Internal Medicine track, Wilderness Medicine track, and gained experience in a health center.  Undergraduate studies were completed at University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, and Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH.  She is Board Certified in Family Medicine.